You’re a motivated band. You’ve put in the hard work, polishing your songs and making sure each part transitions well into the next, the tempi of the songs are mapped out and everyone knows their parts.
You’re ready to hit the studio and make that new album a reality. You’ve recorded demos on your phone, and then your guitarist bullied you all into multitracking the entire album to make sure each piece of the puzzle fits. Hats off to him!
You’ve put a lot of time and effort into this. And now is the time to find someone to make that album a reality.
It’s not just about recording each instrument and processing it into a “coherent mix”. You don’t just want each instrument to be “optimised” and slot in next to the others.
You want that vibe. You want people’s jaws to drop. You want them stamping their feet or jumping around the room playing air guitar with their headphones on.
You want your music to cause face spasms on the train to work when that guitar riff cuts in. That groove has got to get heads nodding along while the world flies by around them. Put the listener in the zone.
You’re not going to give the task of sculpting your tracks into the greatest concept album of all time to any old dude with speakers, plugins and a big screen.
It’s a decision that should not be made lightly. Take your time to evaluate a number of mixing engineers and chose the one that is the best fit for your band.
Use one of the file transfer services below (or your own) and send me the download link.