Recording Studio For Emerging Artists

Recording Studio For Emerging Artists
Hey, I’m Nick.
I’m a musician and audio engineer from Tasmania, Australia, based in Hamburg, Germany.
I love artists like Karnivool, Chelsea Wolfe, Russian Circles and The Drones. Caspian, We Lost The Sea and PG.Lost. Her Name is Calla, Yndi Halda, Anais Mitchell.
I am here to guide you through the recording process and help produce the sounds you envision for your next release. So you can join the ranks of those above.
I want you to take your new record and go on tour, get a label deal, sell all your merch. Blow them away.
It’s always a bit of a disappointment when someone compares your music to a well-known band. It kind of takes something away from all the creativity and hard work you’ve put in.
“That riff is a bit like that Tool song.”
They mean well, their just trying to find a point of reference. It should be taken as a compliment, but it still hurts a bit, doesn’t it?
There is nothing wrong with taking your influences and using them as inspiration to create your own music. That’s how art evolves, constantly building on what came before.
But every artist is unique, every track a combination of years, if not decades of listening, playing, rehearsal and performance.
I see it as my job to find what sets your music apart from the rest, amplify it and infuse your recordings with the essence of what makes your music unique.
I want to know where you come from, where you are now, and where you are going. Musically.
And I will take that information and use it to sculpt your sound from the raw ingredients of your music, instruments and lyrics.
It’s a simple process, but it is key to getting you the result you want – a song, EP or album that you are proud to share with the world. Music that will propel you to the next level.
First, I find out what your main influences have been. What brought you to this point in your musical career. What bands you love, what genres you identify with, what scene you feel part of.
Then we see where you are now. How is your latest record doing? How do you feel about it? What was your last recording session like and what would you like to do better this time?
But the real aim is to find out what you are becoming. What kind of artist you are evolving into. Which footsteps you want to follow in and where you see yourself in two, five years.
Once we get all the internal stuff sorted, I can get a good idea of where you’re from and where you’re headed. It’s then time to talk about sonic ideas, instruments, amps and effects. Drum sounds, acoustics, soundscapes.
We match your mix of influences with your and my gear, effects and techniques. We form game plan for how to create a bold and innovative recording that is custom-made to your unique music.
Then, and only then, do we approach the when and where of our session together.
UPAYA SOUND is a recording studio in Hamburg specialising in recording, editing and mixing rock, indie and folk music and related genres.
Situated on the edge of the city of Hamburg, Germany. The area is surrounded by forests and fields, and is a place to quieten the mind to perform creative duties with focus and intent.
The intimate 40m2 studio atmosphere was designed with lowkey lighting for a creative vibe. It is a space to create. A space to invoke the muse. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable, nail your part and nail your sound.
I guide musicians through the entire music production process from songwriting to demos and pre-production, recording to editing, mixing and mastering.
I take your raw tracks and form them into an album of killer songs using high end microphones, analogue EQ as well as compression, effects.
As an active musician, guitarist, songwriter and producer, I thoroughly understand the musician psyche – the highs and lows, the elation, doubts and fears. I work with you to create and capture the best version of your music in a setting where you feel comfortable enough to deliver the best performance.
Mics: Neumann KM184, AKG C414 B-ULS, Microtech Gefell M930, Schoeps MK4, E/V RE20
Drum Kit: Mapex Saturn V, Sonor S Class Maple Snare, Masterwork Iris Cymbals
Guitars: Fender Telecaster Deluxe, Breedlove Acoustic
Amps: Fender Deluxe Reverb II, Mesa Boogie .50 Caliber, Engl Squeeze 50
Keys: Roland FP-30
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